We are <Chillwind Camp>

[2. Trade – City] [Skarr]: <Chillwind Camp> is recruiting all players, classes and levels. Enjoy end-game content without stress or pressure. No BIS or World Buff requirements. No raiding metas. This is the place to chill and actually enjoy the game. PST for invite 🙂

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Raid Schedule

Usually the most important thing… we get it.

Invites start 30 minutes prior.

What makes us different?

We’re not your average guild.

Bringing back that Classic experience

World of Warcraft has changed a lot over the last 20 years, and how people play it has changed even more. At Chillwind Camp we just want to have fun.

The Chillest Vibes on Dreamscythe

How chill? Very most chill. So chill in fact, that Winterspring is our summer vacation destination. Sit back, relax, and enjoy those sweet classic vibes.

Thriving Guild Community

We’re helpful, friendly, and very welcoming. We have many classic veterans and new players too. There’s always someone to group up with.

Raiding shouldn’t feel like a dead-end job

We already got one, or two of those.

To promote fun and good times, we don’t expect our Raider members to come with full pre-raid BIS (best-in-slot) gear, full world buffs, or even full consumables like flasks.

While all these things do help, they are all time consuming, gold consuming, and fun consuming. That’s 3-strikes on the “not very chill” list.

At Chillwind Camp, we’re on cruise control vibing it up!

What our guild members are saying

“I love the laid back chill attitude for those of us that want to play but not be demanded to be top tier.”


“It is actually as advertised. It has been chill as expected.”


“Relaxed raiding expectations. This is important to me, fun is a foremost priority.”


“I really like how laid back everyone is. It’s not a super sweaty meta guild that is super angry at each other.”


“Good vibes. Humorous. Helpful. Kind. Thanks for letting me be part of this community.”


“Skarr seems cool! ;P I like the /g interactions. Much Love GFAM.”


Our little corner of Azeroth is looking to add more players to our roster, growing our awesome, chill-vibin’ community further.

If you’re like us and this cranks up your nostalgic feels to number 11… then you should consider joining!

Look for <Chillwind Camp> in-game for an invite!

<Chillwind Camp>

An Alliance Dreamscythe World of Warcraft Classic Guild

Established November 21, 2024